Rushes MGFX Studio go retro with a B-Movie style promotional trailer.
I had some fun with this one! What started as an exercise to learn Cinema 4D turned into something far more epic. During down time I'd started playing around with 3D modelling as I had a copy of C4D but hadn't really experimented with it much. Initially just playing around but in usual Matt style got totally carried away. Brad & Costas then got excited and started lending a hand with compositing and editing. Originally this was just going to be a bit of fun, but we'd produced so much material that we decided to cut a little trailer together and use it for marketing for the department.
We produced postcards, email banners and even fake film posters for the fictitious film. This promotional push was well received and boosted the profile of the department no end!
The Robots, UFO's and crop fields were all produced in Cinema 4D and then composited using After Effects. Actual explosions and smoke textures we then layered to add a bit of realism to the piece, although I deliberately wanted it to look a bit rubbish... like the movies of that era! I was almost tempted to add wires back into the top of the UFOs.
Final grade and film noise was added in After Effects using a combination of old film filters and actual film noise from a textures tape the TK boys had... which was great.
I have an extended 3 minute promo length version in the works, but it never got completed due to this promotional exercise being so successful we all got a bit busy to finish it! Keep watching though, I will get it done one day...
Title: "It Came From MGFX Studio"
Product: B-Movie Trailer
Director: Matt Lawrence
Production Company: MGFX Studio
Designer: Matt Lawrence
Post Facility: Rushes
After Effects: Matt Lawrence (Lead), Brad Le Riche, Costas Charitou
Cinema 4D: Matt Lawrence
I had some fun with this one! What started as an exercise to learn Cinema 4D turned into something far more epic. During down time I'd started playing around with 3D modelling as I had a copy of C4D but hadn't really experimented with it much. Initially just playing around but in usual Matt style got totally carried away. Brad & Costas then got excited and started lending a hand with compositing and editing. Originally this was just going to be a bit of fun, but we'd produced so much material that we decided to cut a little trailer together and use it for marketing for the department.
We produced postcards, email banners and even fake film posters for the fictitious film. This promotional push was well received and boosted the profile of the department no end!
The Robots, UFO's and crop fields were all produced in Cinema 4D and then composited using After Effects. Actual explosions and smoke textures we then layered to add a bit of realism to the piece, although I deliberately wanted it to look a bit rubbish... like the movies of that era! I was almost tempted to add wires back into the top of the UFOs.
Final grade and film noise was added in After Effects using a combination of old film filters and actual film noise from a textures tape the TK boys had... which was great.
I have an extended 3 minute promo length version in the works, but it never got completed due to this promotional exercise being so successful we all got a bit busy to finish it! Keep watching though, I will get it done one day...
Title: "It Came From MGFX Studio"
Product: B-Movie Trailer
Director: Matt Lawrence
Production Company: MGFX Studio
Designer: Matt Lawrence
Post Facility: Rushes
After Effects: Matt Lawrence (Lead), Brad Le Riche, Costas Charitou
Cinema 4D: Matt Lawrence