Titles and Graphic sequences for "Enola Holmes"
Starring Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, Sam Clafin and Helena Bonham Carter
Based upon the book "The Case of the Missing Marquess: An Enola Holmes Mystery" by Nancy Springer
Directed by: Harry Bradbeer
Screenplay by: Jack Thorne
Titles & Graphics Designer: Matt Curtis
Titles & Graphics Production: Matt Lawrence
Additional Illustrations: Wil Ings
Over 40 sequences were created including the opening and closing titles
The style was playful and chaotic with a scrapbook feel to reflect Enola's journey throughout the narrative
Cinema 4D was used to create the scrabble sequences, but treated in a stop frame style
All other sequences were a combination of After effects, and photoshop comp
"Enola Holmes" is available to watch now streaming only on Netflix